The Forde Foundation (the Foundation) is a perpetual and independent charitable trust that assists to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and other people who were in the care of Queensland institutions or foster care as children (known as care leavers).
The Foundation provides material aid through a small grants program to enhance the lives of people who may have suffered abuse or neglect in Queensland institutions.
Our Vision
- Help improve the quality of life for Forgotten Australians and other people who were abused or neglected in care, through advancing their health, education and welfare.
- Pay respect and honour the experiences of Forgotten Australians and other care leavers who were abused or neglected in institutions and systems that were meant to support and care for them as children.
- Acknowledge the disadvantages many Forgotten Australians and other care leavers have had to overcome as a result of their childhood experiences.
The Forde Foundation
The Forde Foundation
The Forde Foundation was established in August 2000, in response to Recommendation 39 of the final report of the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions (the Forde Inquiry).
The Queensland Government has contributed $4.15 million to the Forde Foundation’s Trust Fund since its inception. The income generated from the investment of this capital by The Public Trustee is distributed through a grants program to both individuals and to NGOs who support care leavers and, in particular, Forgotten Australians.
Grant applications are assessed by the Forde Foundation Board of Advice and paid by The Public Trustee following recommendations from the Board.
The Forde Foundation does not regard the grants as compensation, but rather acknowledgement of the disadvantages that many care leavers have had to overcome as a result of their childhood experiences, particularly the effects on their education, employment, health and general wellbeing.
Our Patron
Our Patron
In 1998, the Honourable Ms Leneen Forde AC was appointed to Chair the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. The Commission of Inquiry has become known simply as the Forde Inquiry and it was the first inquiry into child abuse and neglect in institutions in Australia.
Learn moreOur Board
Ms Sarah Lim

Ms Sarah Lim
Sarah Lim has worked in the human services sector for twenty years, across the government and not-for-profit sector. With extensive social and legal policy analysis and development experience, Sarah’s work in institutional child safety, youth justice, corrections, women’s policy, domestic and family violence and not-for-profit governance and operations is evidence of her passion for social justice.
Sarah has worked in a faith-based organisation since 2013, with close involvement in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and people with lived experience of institutional abuse.
Ms Teresa Scott

Ms Teresa Scott
Teresa is a social worker with 35 years of experience, mainly in the fields of child protection, family violence prevention, mental health and education.
She taught social work at Griffith University for 14 years and continues to convene online courses as a casual academic. Teresa has a particular interest in raising awareness of ways to prevent family violence and child abuse.
She has been Board President of the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) since 2003. This voluntary role has enhanced her skills in advocacy, community engagement, public speaking, social media messaging and behavioural change.
Mr Steve Powis

Mr Steve Powis
As a Social Worker and administrator Steve has nearly 40 years’ experience working in the human services sector with a primary focus and commitment in aged care but with significant experience in disability services. This has included direct social work service delivery as well as policy and program development and management of the aged care social services for a large London Local Authority and in the Queensland State Government in Health and Community and Disability Services.
During almost 20 years in the Queensland State Government Steve worked as the Policy Manager and then for 12 years as Director firstly of the previous Home and Community Care (HACC) program during which time he managed key components of the transition of the Queensland aged care funding and contracts and the establishment of the Queensland Community Care program from 2012 for people under 65 years with a disability. Steve latterly led the development and transition to the current Queensland Community Support Services (QCSS) program which commenced in 2019 following Queensland’s full transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Steve has since January 2020, worked for the Institute of Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH), as an advisor and project officer in the aged care business unit. IUIH is a not-for-profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisation (ATSICCHO) that leads the planning, development, and delivery of comprehensive, Indigenous-led and designed health, aged and disability care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the SEQ region. It is the largest designated Indigenous aged care provider in Australia, supporting over 39,000 regular Indigenous clients each year through an integrated and comprehensive range of health, aged and disability care and social services.
Mr Steve Whitehead

Mr Steve Whitehead
Steve has had an extensive commencing in The London Stock Exchange, before moving to Australia, working at general Manager and State Manager levels across Qld, in Banking and Money Market roles before moving into sales and marketing roles through the Automotive Industry.
A few years ago, Steve moved from the corporate world into the Not-for-Profit sector, starting in Education and moving to Ronald McDonald House Charities, working with a team to create the new $34million South Brisbane House and raising $21 Million through a capital campaign. From there he worked with Uniting Care Qld across their 4 hospitals and BlueCarebefore specialising in supporting Lifeline Qld. Steve really admires the work that Lifeline retail does to totally fund and support the 13-11-14 counselling line and wilI continue to work in a casual support role.
Steve’s expertise has been creating business relationships, connecting partners to create new revenue streams, particularly working with the corporate world who are very supportive and vital links for the not-for-profit sector.
Steve is looking forward to utilising his business skills to help support Forgotten Australians and work to further support the great work of The Forde Foundation.
Anne Marie O'Callaghan

Anne Marie O'Callaghan
Anne Marie is a seasoned professional with a passion for social impact. She is experienced in strategic leadership, senior management, financial and business advisory, and believes in leveraging her expertise to make a meaningful contribution.
For over twenty years Anne Marie has been active in board and committee roles in rural and regional communities primarily in water resources, agriculture, aged care, and the arts.
Anne Marie is currently Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chair of a large community charity providing care to older people and people with disabilities. She is also principal of an accounting and consulting business delivering financial, taxation, and strategic advice to business clients.
Ann Maree Liddy

Ann Maree Liddy
Ann Maree is an accomplished executive and leader with over twenty years’ experience as a Chief Executive Officer within the not-for-profit sector. Since 2019, Ann Maree has been appointed to several Board Director roles across the health and community services sector. She has recently been appointed as Chair of Health Consumers Queensland. Ann Maree has over 38 years’ experience working across the health and community services sector, spanning not-for-profit; public sector; hospitals and academia. Having worked extensively with vulnerable Queensland communities and families, (e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, rural and remote communities, people, and families impacted by mental health and disability), Ann Maree understands the unique challenges and complexities that often prevent individuals and families from accessing the care they require in a timely manner and closer to where they live. She is honoured to work alongside other members of the Board of Advice to ensure the Forde Foundation continues its leading work in supporting Forgotten Australians.
Ms Anne Livingstone

Ms Anne Livingstone
Anne shares her time between being the Projects and Research Director at Global Community Resourcing and the Executive Lead for the Aged Care Industry Technology Council. Her work focuses on business transformation and innovation agendas across Primary Health Care areas and advocacy for improvements in innovative client focused care and support, quality, digital service models, and workforce development. Anne has also chaired the National Roundtable for Aged and Community Care for Forgotten Australians since its inception in 2019 . Anne has more than 35 years’ experience in the sector across a variety of state, national and international roles.