The Forde Foundation works in collaboration with a number of organisations to support the needs of people who have left care.
Referrals are often made to the following organisations who provide expert support and care. Feel free to contact the organisations yourself or contact us if you need some advice about the most appropriate service for your needs.

Lotus Place
Lotus Place provides integrated peer support, advocacy, counselling and other support services to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. Their services include:
- an information resource centre and gateway
- personal and skills development opportunities and peer support activities
- individual advocacy and support to seek access to government and community services
- help to seek redress of past abuse through the criminal justice system , civil processes, or internal church or religious institutional processes.
- help to obtain personal records, reconnect with family and trace your history
- support for regional peer networks and activities
- access to professional support and counselling services
- information and referral to other services
Phone: 07 3347 8500
Lotus Place Brisbane
46 Cleveland Street, Stones Corner, Qld, 4120
PO Box 3449, South Brisbane, Qld, 4101
Phone (07) 3347 8500
Fax (07) 3347 8590
Lotus Place North Queensland
382 Sturt Street, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 2027, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone (07) 4724 2559
Fax (07) 4772 0011
Lotus Place Central Queensland
10 Albert Street, Rockhampton, Qld 4700
PO Box 586, Rockhampton, Qld, 4700
Phone/fax: (07) 4999 4300

Micah Projects
Micah Projects is a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing services and opportunities in the community to create justice and respond to injustice. They engage with people experiencing adversity due to poverty, homelessness, mental illness, domestic violence, disability and all forms of discrimination.Their services include:
- an information resource centre and gateway
- personal and skills development opportunities and peer support activities
- individual advocacy and support to seek access to government and community services
- help to seek redress of past abuse through the criminal justice system , civil processes, or internal church or religious institutional processes.
- crisis services
- information and referral to other services
Phone: (07) 3029 7000
Ground Floor, 162 Boundary Street, West End Q 4101
PO Box 3449 South Brisbane Q 4101

Find and Connect
Find and Connect provides access to family tracing and support services for Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. Their services include:
- a website to help find records held by past care providers and government agencies
- a network of specialised search and support services to provide practical assistance and support
- counselling services from appropriately trained and skilled professionals
Phone: 1800 161 109
46 Cleveland Street, Stones Corner, Qld, 4120
PO Box 3449, South Brisbane, Qld, 4101
Phone: 1800 16 11 09 or (07) 3347 8500
Fax (07) 3844 6706

Link-Up (Queensland)
Link-Up (Qld) reunites Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over the age of eighteen years who have experienced enforced separation from their families and communities through adoption, fostering, removal and institutionalisation. Their
services include:
- assistance in locating family members
- financially assisted reunions
- counselling and support before, during and after reunions
- referrals to other support services
- access to Link-Up support groups
Phone: 1800 200 855 or (07) 3638 0411
Link -Up Qld Brisbane
3-5 Reid Street, Woolloongabba, Qld, 4102
PO Box 3229, South Brisbane, Qld, 4101
Phone: (07) 3638 0411
Link-Up Qld Cairns
Unit 2, 128 Spence Street, Cairns, Qld, 4870
PO Box 298 Bungalow, Qld, 4870
Phone: (07) 4041 7403

Cape York/Gulf Remote Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Care Advisory Association Inc.
Cape York/Gulf Remote Area Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Care Advisory Association Inc. (RAATSICC) are a community controlled not-for-profit organisation delivering human services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Far North Queensland. Protecting Kids Our Way is the RAATSICC mantra, guided by the belief that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities are best placed to keep our children and young people safe and culturally strong.
Phone: 07 4030 0900
120 Spence Street, Cairns, Qld, 4870

Benevolent Society
Post-Adoption Support Queensland provides information, counselling and support to people affected by adoption in NSW, the ACT and Queensland. They support adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents,siblings and partners. Their services include:
• individual counselling, family therapy, group counselling and phone counselling
• assistance in accessing records held by hospitals, adoption service providers and government departments
• intermediary service to help people approach the person they have been searching for
Phone: 1800 236 762 or 07 3170 4600

Migrants Trust
The Child Migrants Trust provides a range of services aimed at reuniting Britain’s former Child Migrants with their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and other relatives. Their services include:
• counselling and support for family reunions
• financially assisted reunions
• advice and assistance to obtain files from migrating agencies and government departments
• obtaining birth certificates
• support with citizenship applications
Phone: 1800 040 509 or 03 9815 2022